This website, which used to have online 200 wonderful pictures by M.C. Escher, has been shut down.
Cordon Art, who owns the copyright to everything Escher ever made, caused this web site to be shut down, because they thought it interfered with sales of a M.C. Escher CD. They threatened to sue me for displaying Escher pictures without a license if I did not shut down the web site, or water it down to a site with just 25 pictures on it. I tried the water it down option, but I was left with a web site I could not take pride in, and I got tired of corresponding with Cordon Art, so I just decided to shut the whole site down. You can read the whole ugly story in the mail page.
If you're really interested in finding Escher, look elsewhere! It's a big net out there, and Cordon has not yet shut down all Escher sites, although several of the best are gone now. All the pictures that I used to display on this page were downloaded off the net and are probably still available somewhere on it.
I'm glad to report that everyone who keeps writing in, is always very supportive of me and of the problems I've gone through. Thanks all! I'd rather forget this nasty little thing, but you do make it a little brighter
Also, this page has not gone unnoticed - see the story on Cnet about this.