Wmbattery's Homepage
Current version:
Wmbattery displays the status of your laptop's battery in a small icon.
This includes if it is plugged in, if the battery is charging, how many
minutes of battery life remain, battery life remaining (with both a
percentage and a graph), and battery status (high - green, low - yellow,
or critical - red).
There's nothing in the program that makes it require WindowMaker, except
maybe the look. It can be docked in WindowMaker or Afterstep's dock.
Wmbattery is based heavily on
by Chris D. Faulhaber.
Wmapm is a nice program - why have I modified it into wmbattery? Here are
some improvements in wmbattery:
- Improved icon layout. I crammed the same information into less space
while making the icon more elegant and visually pleasing (IMHO).
- Easier to drag onto dock.
- Displays 100% when your battery is full (wmapm is limited to 99% maximum).
- It consumes a little less memory.
- Uses only 8 colors.
- You can run in on a different display via -d (broken in wmapm).
Downloading Wmbattery
Recent Changes
Changes in version :
Contacting the Author
I welcome all bug reports, feature requests, and comments. Just
email me.